Editorial Board
Autores: Sylvio Luiz Costa De Moraes,
An eye on the future
In order to continue building a successful publication, it isnecessary to comply with the so-called inflexible requirements.In addition to the technical-scientific excellence of the EditorialBoard and the quality control of manuscripts, in the peerreview process, it is important that the reviewers,...
Autores: Sylvio Luiz Costa De Moraes,
Word from the president
Dear members,When we took over the board, in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic,we were aware of the difficulties. We just could not imagine thatthere would be so many challenges.The first difficult decision was the postponement of COBRAC – Belém,which will be held in 2024. COBRAC 2022, in...
Autores: Marcelo Marotta Araujo,
Germano, elected president for the 2023/2024 term of the Brazilian College of Buco- Maxillo-Facial Surgery and Traumatology, discloses the goals of his administration
Adriano Rocha Germano, who has just been electedpresident of the Brazilian College of Oral and MaxillofacialSurgery and Traumatology, board 2023/2024, has beena partner since 1997 and full member of the CBCTBMF.He was Chapter coordinator twice and general secretaryin the past administration....
Autores: Adriano R. Germano,
Interview with Rogério Belle de Oliveira Interview »
What will be the Continuing Education (CE) projectof the 2021/2022 board of CBCBTBMF?The Continuing Education (CE) the Brazilian Collegeof Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology was anidea that emerged in the past board of directors. As soon asDr. Marcelo Marotta Araujo was elected, the...
Autores: Rogério Belle de Oliveira,
Prospective evolution of nutritional status in maxillofacial trauma patients
Introduction: Patients undergoing maxillofacial trauma are susceptible to malnutritiondue to compromised oral and swallow function, and increased for nutrients demandsfor wound healing. Objective: This study aimed to demonstrate a prospectiveevolution of nutritional status in maxillofacial...
Autores: Alessandro Oliveira De Jesus, Marcio Bruno Figueiredo Amaral, Camila Roberta Silva, Samuel Macedo Costa, Caroline San Severino Teixeira,
messages.RevistaAutores: Mandibular fractures, Maxillofacial injuries, Nutritional status, Malnutrition,
Microbiological and antimicrobial evaluation of Bio-Oss®: an in vitro study
Introduction: Bone substitutes are materials designed to resemble and replace humanbone. Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate the contaminationof the commercial product Bio-Oss® along the time after opening. Methods: Twelvevials of Bio-Oss® were tested at different time...
Autores: Angelo Menuci Neto, Fernando Branco Barletta, Marcus Vinícius Reis Só, Lina Naomi Hashizume, Graziella Pelegrini,
messages.RevistaAutores: Bone regeneration, Apicoectomy, Biological contamination, Microbiological techniques,
Dental surgeons’ self-perception of medical urgencies and emergencies
Introduction: Medical urgencies and emergencies can occur before, during or afterdental procedures, especially in patients with systemic impairment, so it is importantthat the dentist has the knowledge, drugs and basic equipment to conduct emergencycare. Objectives: Thus, the aim of this study is...
Autores: Renata Pittella Cançado, Samara Reis Hilário, Stella Cristina Soares Araújo, Jenifer Malingre de Oliveira, Renan Rangel Roveta, Deyverton dos Santos Mendes,
messages.RevistaAutores: Dentistry, emergencies, Self-assessment,
Assessment of the prevalence and profile of impacted lower third molars, using panoramic radiographs
Introduction: The lower third molar (LTM) has the highest index of cases of impaction,being frequently associated with pericoronaritis, periodontitis, neoplasia androot resorption, making its surgical removal one of the most frequent procedures indentistry. Objective: the objective of this study...
Autores: Edson Luiz Cetira Filho, Fábio Wilson Gurgel Costa, Lúcio Mitsuo Kurita, Alynne Vieira de Menezes Pimenta, Ana Patrícia Magalhães Ramos,
messages.RevistaAutores: molar, Diagnosis, Radiography, Surgery, oral, third, panoramic,
Primary palatoplasty by Bardach technique
The cleft lip and palate are congenital malformations that can affect the lip, palateor both, and are due to errors in the fusion of the embryonic facial processes bychanges in the normal development of the primary or secondary palate. Patientswith such fissures present complex anatomical...
Autores: Fábio Wildson Gurgel Costa, Edson Luiz Cetira Filho, Pedro Henrique Da Hora Sales, Jair Carneiro Leão, José Ferreira da Cunha Filho,
messages.RevistaAutores: Cleft palate, Oral surgical procedures, Congenital abnormalities,
Joint and mandibular reconstruction with customized prosthesis
The objective of the present work is to present a 18-years follow-up of a patient diagnosedwith an extensive odontogenic mixoma that affected the right side of themandible. In the first surgery, a mandibulectomy was performed, followed by a freefibula flap reconstruction. Fourteen years after...
Autores: João Lisboa De Sousa Filho, Armando De Barros, Danilo Dressano, Felipe Calile Franck, PAULO AFONSO OLIVEIRA JUNIOR,
messages.RevistaAutores: Joint diseases, Mandibular prosthesis, Joint prosthesis,
Surgical treatment of sialolith on submandibular gland duct
Sialoliths are calcified structures that develop in the salivary glands or in their ducts,causing its obstruction and producing inflammation or infection of region. Diagnosticmethods include inspection, palpation, radiographic examination, computedtomography and a detailed anamnesis. A 31-year-old...
Autores: Gustavo Cavalcanti De Albuquerque, Valber Barbosa Martins, Rafael Saraiva Torres, Paulo Matheus Honda Tavares, Saulo Lobo Chateaubriand do Nascimento, Letícia dos Santos Nascimento, MARCELO VINICIUS OLIVEIRA,
messages.RevistaAutores: Salivary duct calculi, Submandibular gland, Salivary gland calculi,
Cutaneous non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in face, after tooth extraction
B-cell primary cutaneous lymphomas are part of the non-Hodgkin-type B lymphocyteorigin malignancies. Primary cutaneous lymphomas often have differentclinical and prognostic behavior than systemic lymphomas of similar histologicalsubtype. According to the World Health Organization and Cutaneous...
Autores: Paulo Sergio Martins Alcântara, Marcia Maria de Gouveia, José Renato Linhares Fernandes,
messages.RevistaAutores: Lymphoma, Mouth neoplasms, Lymphoma, non-Hodgkin,
Firearm projectile removal from the maxillary sinus
Gunshot injuries cause serious problems to the maxillofacial complex, especially whenextensive injuries, comminuted fractures and retention of projectiles are involved. Themaxillary sinus is the largest of the paranasal sinuses and the most affected by injuries.Foreign bodies inside are unusual...
Autores: Gustavo Cavalcanti De Albuquerque, Valber Barbosa Martins, Rafael Saraiva Torres, Paulo Matheus Honda Tavares, Saulo Lobo Chateaubriand do Nascimento, Shirlan Mady Marques, MARCELO VINICIUS OLIVEIRA,
messages.RevistaAutores: Surgery, oral, Wounds, gunshot, Maxillary sinus, Foreign bodies,
Botryoid odontogenic cyst: case report, evolution of four years
Introduction: The botrioid odontogenic cyst (COB) is a rare variant of the lateral periodontalcyst, corresponding to 0.5% of odontogenic cystic lesions, with the anterior maxillabeing affected in only 4% of cases. Malassez remains and reduced enamel epitheliumare possible histogenic sources....
Autores: Adriano Rocha Germano, Gleysson Matias De Assis, Francisco de Assis de Souza Junior, Matheus Dantas Tertulino, Calebe Lamonier de Oliveira Costa Paiva,
messages.RevistaAutores: Odontogenic cysts, Oral surgical procedures, Periodontal cyst,