Editorial Board
Autores: Sylvio Luiz Costa De Moraes,
Norms for publication: an important rout
The submission of scientific papers is the result of the initiativeof professionals focused on the production of knowledge,which is usually enriching and very welcome for any journal selectedfor this purpose.
Autores: Sylvio Luiz Costa De Moraes,
messages.RevistaAutores: editorial,
CBCTBMF completed 50 years with many activities and actions for members
Dear members of the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeryand Traumatology, the CBCTBMF celebrated 50 years during a periodof pandemic, with enormous challenges, not only in the daily routine,adaptations imposed to the work of maxillofacial surgeons, but also fromstructural and...
Autores: José Rodrigues Laureano Filho,
CBCTBMF decides, in a meeting with the General Council, to postpone COBRAC to 2021
The Brazilian College of Oral and MaxillofacialSurgery and Traumatology decided, in a virtual meetingwith the General Council of CBCTBMF, on August18, to postpone COBRAC to June 2021.
Autores: José Rodrigues Laureano Filho,
Interview with José Thiers Carneiro Júnior
The Brazilian College of Oral and MaxillofacialSurgery and Traumatology interviews, in this issueof the journal, the president of the XXV BrazilianCongress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology(XXV COBRAC), Dr. José Thiers CarneiroJúnior, full member of the CBCTBMF, with...
Autores: José Thiers Carneiro Júnior,
messages.RevistaAutores: entrevista,
Assessment of hilotherapy compared to ice pack therapy in pain and edema control after orthognathic surgery: a pilot study
Introduction: Orthognathic surgeries are indicated for correction of facial deformities,but they have side effects: swelling, pain, neural dysfunction and trismus are thepatients’ main complaints. The cold therapies are well established and elucidated inthe literature for these patients’...
Autores: Belini Freire Maia, Alessandro Oliveira De Jesus, Gustavo Marques De Oliveira Chiavaioli, Marcio Bruno Figueiredo Amaral, Guilherme Lacerda Toledo,
messages.RevistaAutores: edema, Orthognathic surgery, Pain,
Analysis of linear transverse measurements after SARPE
Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion(SARPE) in gaining horizontal maxillary distance. Methods: Eleven patients withtransverse maxillary deficiency submitted to SARPE participated in the study. Studymodels were obtained before and after surgery....
Autores: Maria Da Graça Naclério Homem, Marcelo Minharro Cecchetti, Wladimir Gushiken De Campos, Tatiane Ferrari, Camilla Vieira Esteves, Celso Augusto Lemos,
messages.RevistaAutores: orthodontics, Palatal Expansion Technique, Orthodontics, corrective, Orthodontics, interceptive,
The role of anxiety in blood pressure variation before dental care
Introduction: Fear and anxiety are common in patients requiring dental treatment.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between bloodpressure and heart rate measurements and the degree of anxiety of patients awaitingdental care. Methods: A cross-sectional study was...
Autores: Douglas Rangel Goulart, Thayara Lima De Morais, Girleide De Sousa Silva, Eder Alberto Sigua Rodriguez,
messages.RevistaAutores: Tooth extraction, Anxiety, Dental anxiety, Anesthesia, Dentistry,
Mandibular reconstruction of comminuted fracture by gunshot
Introduction: Injuries caused by firearms involving the face are a real challenge forsurgeons concerning treatment of these patients, due to its complexity, associatedwith energy dissipated by the projectile, degree of bone comminution, tissue loss,among other factors. Objective: This study aims...
Autores: Jair Queiroz De Oliveira Neto, Edson Luiz Cetira Filho, Pedro Henrique Da Hora Sales, Manoel De Jesus Rodrigues Mello,
messages.RevistaAutores: Mandibular fractures, Mandible, Wounds, gunshot,
Psoriatic arthritis with temporomandibular joint involvement: case report
Introduction: Psoriatic arthritis (PA) is a chronic reactive inflammatory diseaseof the joints and skin. Severity can range from mild, non-destructive disease to severe,progressive and erosive arthropathy. The etiology of this disease is unknown,although studies report a strong genetic...
Autores: Killian Evandro Cristoff, José Stechman Neto, Bianca Lopes Cavalcante Leão, Rodolfo Jorge Kubiak, Marina Pereira Silva, Alice Helena De Lima Santos Cardoso,
messages.RevistaAutores: Temporomandibular joint disorders, Arthritis, psoriatic, Arthritis,
Tooth autotransplantation as an option for impacted tooth treatment in pediatric patient
Introduction: Tooth autotransplantation may be indicated in certain situations,such as in dentoalveolar traumas, replacement of teeth with poor prognosis, developmentalabnormalities, ectopic eruption and impacted teeth. Objective: The objectiveof this study is to report a case in which a...
Autores: Liogi Iwaki Filho, Lucas Costa Nogueira, Pablo Cornélius Comelli Leite,
messages.RevistaAutores: transplantation, Dental implantation, Transplants, Autologous,
Reconstruction of mandibular fracture using Locking® system: Case report
Introduction: The atrophic edentulous mandible is more predisposed to fractures,and in high impact traumas —such as perforations by firearms, which causes comminutedfractures —, require surgical treatment with a supported load reconstructionplate, for a more stable osteosynthesis, obtaining...
Autores: Marcelo Marotta Araujo, José Ricardo Mikami, Igor Almeida Mascarenhas Soares, João Pedro Lisboa Damasceno Pereira, Ricardo José De Holanda Vasconcelos, Marcus Antônio Brêda Junior,
messages.RevistaAutores: Fracture fixation, Mandible, Mandibular reconstruction,
Hemophiliac patient with extensive complex odontoma in mandible
Introduction: Odontomas are the most common type of odontogenic tumors.They are classified as mixed odontogenic tumors, being divided into compound andcomplex types, usually asymptomatic and diagnosed on radiographic examinations.Treatment consist of simple local excision. Hemophilia A is a...
Autores: Gustavo Cavalcanti De Albuquerque, Valber Barbosa Martins, Marcelo Vinícius De Oliveira, Ariany Cristina Freitas Ribeiro, Paulo Matheus Honda Tavares, Dirceu Virgolino De Oliveira,
messages.RevistaAutores: Odontoma, Mandible, Odontogenic tumors,