Editorial Board
Autores: Gabriela Granja Porto,
Results of the Board of Directors 2016-2017
With a huge sense of responsibility and collaboration I take on the board 2018/2020 of the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology (CBCTBMF), an organization established in Brasília on July 23rd, 1970. I am proud to be head of the main organization that represents...
Autores: José Rodrigues Laureano Filho,
messages.RevistaAutores: carta,
Interview with Gregorio Sánchez Aniceto
With more than 3,200 members and 120 educational activities per year held all over the world, the AOCMF is a world leader in continuing medical education in our field of knowledge. My objective is to deepen this leadership, with both existing and new courses and seminars, either presential or...
Autores: Gregorio Sánchez Aniceto,
messages.RevistaAutores: entrevista,
Effect of alcohol intake on submandibular salivary glands
Introduction: Chronic consumption of alcohol affects the oral mucosa and its annexes. Changes in the function of enzymes found in that tissue can change the present saliva. Objective: Thus, the objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of chronic ethanol intake on glandular...
Autores: Tatiana Wannmacher Lepper, Denise Bertin Rojas, Virginia Cielo Rech, Luciane Rosa Feksa, Felipe Nor, Anna Christina Medeiros Fossati, João Carlos Birnfeld Wagner, Clóvis Milton Duval Wannmacher,
messages.RevistaAutores: Submandibular gland, Creatine kinase, Ethanol,
Oral sedation in dental surgery: analysis of variations in blood glucose and blood pressure
Introduction: Fear and anxiety are conditions that can trigger changes in blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Objective: To evaluate blood glucose and blood pressure variations in patients submitted to oral surgery with and without the use of oral sedation. Methods: The sample consisted of 68...
Autores: Rossiene Motta Bertollo, Natália Quinilatto Daróz, Fabiane Torres Maia Guimarães, Antonio De Melo Cabral, Mariana Camilo Negreiros Lyrio Alvares, Daniela Nascimento Silva, Martha Alayde Alcantara Salim Venancio,
messages.RevistaAutores: oral, surgery, Anxiety, Glucose, Blood pressure,
Epidemiology of facial trauma in a hospital in the municipality of Manaus-Amazonas
Introduction: Oral and maxillofacial trauma vary from country to country due to the existence of different social, local and cultural factors. Its prognosis depends on the stage of development, the time between the fracture event and its care, as well as the injured areas. Objective: The present...
Autores: Joel Motta Júnior, Valber Barbosa Martins, Marcelo Vinícius De Oliveira, Márcia Arruda Lins, Amanda Lima De Oliveira, Flávio Tendolo Fayad, Gustavo Cavalcanti Albuquerque,
messages.RevistaAutores: Epidemiology, Oral and maxillofacial trauma, Public hospital,
Retrospective analysis of treated cases of trigger points
Objective: to carry out an analysis of medical records, evaluating the common patterns of painful symptoms and other symptoms among patients, in preoperative and postoperative moments, after deactivation of trigger points. Method: 100 records of patients of both genders, aged over 18 years, were...
Autores: Tatiana Wannmacher Lepper, João Carlos Birnfeld Wagner, Mauricio Roth Volkweis, Luciana Zaffari, Gabriela Severo Meinke, João Ricardo Koch Brandalise, Rodrigo Andrighetti Zamboni,
messages.RevistaAutores: Facial muscles, Masseter muscle, Trigger points,
Management of parotid sialocele after retromandibular access
Sialocele is the extravasation of salivary fluid to the adjacent tissues of the affected salivary gland or duct, and may have a varied etiology. This article reports the treatment of a clinical case of sialocele after surgery for reduction and fixation of mandible fracture. After undergoing surgery...
Autores: Claiton Heitz, Flávio Tomazi, Manuel Schmitz, Felipe Búrigo, Marcelo da Rocha,
messages.RevistaAutores: Postoperative complications, Biopsy, Parotid gland, Needle,
Closure of extensive oroantral and oronasal fistula due to maxillary tumor resection
The proximity of the alveolar process of the maxilla to the maxillary sinuses and nasal cavity can be related to communication between these structures due to loss of bone and soft tissue after treatment of tumors in this region. The untreated communication results in epithelization of its path,...
Autores: Osny Ferreira Júnior, Eduardo Sanches Gonçales, Bruno Gomes Duarte, Victor Tieghi Neto, Eduardo Stedile Fiamoncini,
messages.RevistaAutores: Maxilla, Maxillary sinus, Oroantral fistula,
Management of internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint: arthrocentesis
Arthrocentesis is a minimally invasive surgical technique, with a high success rate and low risk, used in treatments of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. This technique works with lyses and washes in the upper compartment of the TMJ, to decrease intra-articular pressure, eliminate adhesions,...
Autores: Fábio Wildson Gurgel Costa, Eduardo Costa Studart Soares, Alexandre Maranhão Menezes Neto, Mariana Gomes Coutinho, Wagner Araújo De Negreiros,
messages.RevistaAutores: Temporomandibular joint, Arthrocentesis, Minimally invasive surgical procedures,
Atrophic maxilla reconstruction: case report
Objective: To report and analyze the sequence of surgical and prosthetic events used in the rehabilitation of an edentulous patient, with severe atrophy of the alveolar bone of the maxilla. Case report: Patient submitted to multiple procedures aiming the rehabilitation of severely atrophic maxilla....
Autores: Aécio Abner Campos Pinto Júnior, Luiz Felipe Cardoso Lehman, Felipe Eduardo Baires Campos, Wagner Henriques De Castro, Vitor José Da Fonseca, Joanna Farias Da Cunha,
messages.RevistaAutores: Orthognathic surgery, Mouth Rehabilitation, Alveolar bone loss,