Editorial Board
Autores: Belmiro Cavalcanti Do Egito Vasconcelos,
Importance of the title, abstract and descriptors in scientific papers
A huge quantity of papers is currently published. Everyperson writing a paper expects to publish it and see it well referenced(cited). For that purpose, authors should be concernedto properly write the title, abstract and descriptors, which areavailable in most databases.
Autores: Belmiro C. E. Vasconcelos,
Changes in the education of specialists in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology: analysis of today and a vision of tomorrow
Dear colleagues,One of the most important issues for our specialty refers to the trainingof young oral and maxillofacial surgeons (OMFS).There has always been debate about the need of more homogeneousresidency programs and that specialization courses should be conducted in“residency modality’...
Autores: Sylvio Luiz Costa De Moraes,
An interview with José Nazareno Gil
How do you see minimally invasive surgery inOrthognathic Surgery?The challenge of Orthognathic Surgery is toperform accurate movements within the treatmentplanning, and achieve stability with less surgicalmorbidity. Thus, I consider that minimally invasivesurgery has its space within the...
Autores: José Nazareno Gil,
Conservative treatment of mandibular fracture in patient with osteoradionecrosis
Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) of gnathic bones in patients undergoing head and neckcancer radiotherapy is a serious and severe problem. Poor bone vascularization,presence of cutaneous fistulas, trismus, odynophagia and dysphagia are characteristicof ORN. A 80-year-old male patient with diagnosis of ORN...
Autores: Rubens Cardozo De Castro Junior, Mariana Quirino Silveira Soares, Paulo Sergio Da Silva Santos, Cassia Maria Fischer Rubira, Eduardo Sant'ana,
messages.RevistaAutores: Mandibular fractures, Alcoholism, Therapeutics, Osteoradionecrosis, Elder,
Wilkes self-retaining TMJ retractor: technical modification
Introduction: the indication of arthrotomy, also known as open joint surgery,in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is associated with previous requirementsand clinical protocols, being necessary when conservative treatment optionshave failed. Clyde H. Wilkes proposed a classification for staging...
Autores: Paulo Afonso De Oliveira Jr, Armando De Barros, Pérsio Azenha Faber, Danilo Dressano, Felipe Calile Franck, Fernando Afonso De Oliveira,
messages.RevistaAutores: Oral surgical procedures, Temporomandibular joint disorders, Temporomandibular joint, operative time,
Segmental maxillary osteotomy for simultaneous correction of Class III and malpositioned implants
This paper reports a case of simultaneous correction of horizontal and transversemaxillary deficiency and malpositioned implants by segmental maxillary osteotomy,combined with maxillary advancement. The results achieved by three-segment orthognathicsurgery demonstrate that the esthetic problem...
Autores: Waldemar Daudt Polido, Leonardo Matos Santolim Zanettini, Alexandre Abreu, Rodrigo Sofia Da Rocha, Bruna Rodrigues Fronza,
messages.RevistaAutores: Orthognathic surgery, Interdisciplinary treatment, Complications, segmental osteotomy, esthetic failure,
Epidemiological study of two modalities for treatment of frontal fractures: retrospective analysis of 46 cases
This study evaluated the treatment of frontal fractures treated at the Oral and MaxillofacialSurgery and Traumatology Service of Hospital Universitário do Oeste do Paraná.The study analyzed 46 records of patients with frontal bone fractures, treated betweenJune 2008 and December 2015. Among...
Autores: Natasha Magro érnica, Maicon Douglas Pavelski, Geraldo Luiz Griza, Bruna De Rezende Marins, Eleonor Alvaro Garbin Jr,
messages.RevistaAutores: Epidemiology, bone fractures, frotal bone,
Pterygoid implants for dental rehabilitation in an atrophic maxilla
This paper presents a case of total rehabilitation of an atrophic maxilla using the pterygoidimplant technique, discussing the surgical technique as well as the success rates,survival, peri-implant marginal bone loss and important clinical variables related tothis type of treatment. The patient,...
Autores: Camila Lopes Cardoso, Rafael Zetehaku Araújo, Cláudia Curra, Marcos Martins Curi,
messages.RevistaAutores: Mouth Rehabilitation, Reconstruction, Maxillary sinus, Jaw fixation techniques,
Extensive craniofacial reconstruction using polymethylmethacrylate prostheses
The reconstruction of acquired cranial defects is a challenge in reparative surgery. Forcraniofacial reconstruction, emphasis is given to autogenous bone grafts and alloplasticmaterials, such as titanium, silicone, high-density polyethylene and polymethylmethacrylate(PMMA). This paper presents...
Autores: Deyvid Silva Rebouças, Ana Carolina Lemos Pimentel, Eduardo De Lima Andrade, Livia Prates Soares Zerbinati, Adriano Freitas Assis,
messages.RevistaAutores: Facial bones, Reconstruction, craniotomy, Polimethyl methacrylate,